The Ruthless Critic Within: Understanding Self-Criticism

Self-criticism is a topic that permeates our lives, even though we are not always conscious of it. If you constantly hold yourself to high standards, feel paralyzed by self-accusations, or simply want to better understand that inner voice that often judges you, this material may be helpful to you. Let’s try to understand a bit […]

Considering Therapy: What’s in It for You?

For many people who have never undergone therapy, or for those who have had an unsatisfactory experience, a question often arises: “Why should I undergo therapy?” The type of service that a therapist offers may seem strange or even incomprehensible at first. When we visit other healthcare professionals, such as a dentist, things are much […]

Unraveling the Mysteries of Anxiety

Why Not Feeling Anxiety Is Not a Good Idea Anxiety is an inherent human emotion, an adaptive response that helps us deal with challenges and risky situations. Although anxiety can become overwhelming and interfere with daily life, as in the case of anxiety disorders, it plays a very important role in alerting us to potential […]